Source code for rororo.openapi.exceptions

import logging
import re
from contextlib import contextmanager
from contextvars import ContextVar
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Tuple, Union

import attr
from jsonschema.exceptions import ValidationError as JsonSchemaValidationError
from openapi_core.casting.schemas.exceptions import CastError as CoreCastError
from openapi_core.deserializing.exceptions import DeserializeError
from openapi_core.deserializing.parameters.exceptions import (
from openapi_core.exceptions import OpenAPIError as CoreOpenAPIError
from openapi_core.schema.media_types.exceptions import (
from openapi_core.schema.parameters.exceptions import (
from openapi_core.schema.responses.exceptions import InvalidResponse
from openapi_core.unmarshalling.schemas.exceptions import (
from openapi_core.validation.exceptions import InvalidSecurity

from rororo.annotations import DictStrAny, MappingStrStr, TypedDict

ERROR_FIELD_REQUIRED = "Field required"
ERROR_NOT_FOUND_TEMPLATE = "{label} not found"
ERROR_PARAMETER_EMPTY = "Empty parameter value"
ERROR_PARAMETER_INVALID = "Invalid parameter value"
ERROR_PARAMETER_MISSING = "Missing parameter"
ERROR_PARAMETER_REQUIRED = "Parameter required"

PathItem = Union[int, str]
Loc = Tuple[PathItem, ...]
DictPathItemAny = Dict[PathItem, Any]

VALIDATION_ERROR_LOC: ContextVar[Loc] = ContextVar(
    "rororo_validation_error_loc", default=()

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
required_message_re = re.compile(
    r"^'(?P<field_name>.*)' is a required property$"

class CastError(CoreCastError):
    name: str = attr.ib()
    value: str = attr.ib()
    type: str = attr.ib()  # noqa: A003, VNE003

class OpenAPIError(Exception):
    """Base exception for other OpenAPI exceptions."""

    default_message = "Unhandled OpenAPI error"
    default_headers: MappingStrStr = {}
    status = 500

    def __init__(
        message: Union[str, None] = None,
        headers: Union[MappingStrStr, None] = None,
    ) -> None:
        super().__init__(message or self.default_message)
        self.headers = headers or self.default_headers

class ConfigurationError(OpenAPIError):
    """Wrong OpenAPI configuration."""

    default_message = "OpenAPI schema configuration error"

class ContextError(OpenAPIError):
    """Attempt to use context when it is not available."""

    default_message = "OpenAPI context missed in request"

class OperationError(OpenAPIError):
    """Invalid OpenAPI operation."""

    default_message = "OpenAPI operation not found"

[docs]class BadRequest(OpenAPIError): """Bad request basic error.""" default_message = "Bad request" status = 400
[docs]class SecurityError(OpenAPIError): """Request is not secured, but should.""" default_message = "Not authenticated" status = 403
[docs]class BasicSecurityError(SecurityError): """Basic authentication is not provided.""" default_headers = {"www-authenticate": "basic"} status = 401
[docs]class InvalidCredentials(SecurityError): """Invalid credentials provided for authentication.""" default_message = "Invalid credentials" status = 403
[docs]class BasicInvalidCredentials(InvalidCredentials): """Invalid credentials provided for basic authentication.""" default_headers = {"www-authenticate": "basic"} status = 401
[docs]class ObjectDoesNotExist(OpenAPIError): """Object does not exist basic error.""" default_message = ERROR_NOT_FOUND_TEMPLATE.format(label=OBJECT_LABEL) status = 404 def __init__( self, label: str = OBJECT_LABEL, *, message: Union[str, None] = None, headers: Union[MappingStrStr, None] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__( message or ERROR_NOT_FOUND_TEMPLATE.format(label=label), headers=headers, ) self.label = label
class ValidationErrorItem(TypedDict): loc: List[PathItem] message: str
[docs]class ValidationError(OpenAPIError): """Request / response validation error. There is an ability to wrap ``openapi-core`` request / response validation errors via :func:`.from_request_errors` class method as in same time to create a validation error from the dict, like: .. code-block:: python raise ValidationError.from_dict( body={"name": "Name is not unique"} ) raise ValidationError.from_dict( parameters={"X-Api-Key": "Outdated API key"} ) raise ValidationError.from_dict( body={ 0: { "data": { 0: {"name": "Field required"}, 1: {"description": "Field required"}, }, }, }, ) Given interface is recommended for end users, who want to raise a custom validation errors within their operation handlers. """ default_message = "Validation error" status = 422 def __init__( self, *, message: Union[str, None] = None, errors: Union[List[ValidationErrorItem], None] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(message or self.default_message) loc = get_current_validation_error_loc() if loc: if message is not None and errors is not None: raise ValueError( "Please supply only error message or list of error items, " "not both in same time" ) if message is not None: errors = [{"loc": list(loc), "message": message}] elif errors is not None: errors = [ { "loc": [*loc, *item["loc"]], "message": item["message"], } for item in errors ] self.errors = errors = {"detail": errors} if errors else None def __add__(self, another: "ValidationError") -> "ValidationError": if not self.errors: raise ValueError( "ValidationError does not have list of error items. Cannot to " "merge another ValidationError" ) if not another.errors: raise ValueError( "Another ValidationError does not have list of error items. " "Cannot to merge into ValidationError" ) self.errors += another.errors return self @classmethod def from_dict( # type: ignore[misc] cls, data: Union[DictPathItemAny, None] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> "ValidationError": if data and kwargs: raise ValueError( "Please supply only data dict or kwargs, not both" ) def dict_walker( loc: List[PathItem], data: Union[DictPathItemAny, DictStrAny], errors: List[ValidationErrorItem], ) -> None: for key, value in data.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): dict_walker(loc + [key], value, errors) else: errors.append({"loc": loc + [key], "message": value}) errors: List[ValidationErrorItem] = [] dict_walker([], data or kwargs, errors) return cls(errors=errors) @classmethod def from_request_errors( # type: ignore[misc] cls, errors: List[CoreOpenAPIError], *, base_loc: Union[List[PathItem], None] = None, ) -> "ValidationError": base_loc = ["body"] if base_loc is None else base_loc result = [] for err in errors: if isinstance(err, (OpenAPIParameterError, EmptyParameterValue)): result.append(get_parameter_error_details(base_loc, err)) elif isinstance(err, OpenAPIMediaTypeError): result.append(get_media_type_error_details(base_loc, err)) elif isinstance(err, CastError): result.append( { "loc": [*base_loc,], "message": ( f"{err.value!r} is not a type of {err.type!r}" ), } ) elif isinstance(err, UnmarshalError): result.extend(get_unmarshal_error_details(base_loc, err)) else: result.append(get_common_error_details(base_loc, err)) return cls( message="Request parameters or body validation error", errors=result, ) @classmethod def from_response_errors( # type: ignore[misc] cls, errors: List[CoreOpenAPIError] ) -> "ValidationError": result: List[ValidationErrorItem] = [] loc: List[PathItem] = ["response"] for err in errors: if isinstance(err, InvalidResponse): available_responses = ", ".join(sorted(err.responses)) result.append( { "loc": loc, "message": ( f"{err}. Available response http statuses: " f"{available_responses}" ), } ) elif isinstance(err, OpenAPIMediaTypeError): result.append(get_media_type_error_details(loc, err)) elif isinstance(err, UnmarshalError): result.extend(get_unmarshal_error_details(loc, err)) else: result.append(get_common_error_details(loc, err)) return cls(message="Response data validation error", errors=result)
[docs]class ServerError(OpenAPIError): """Server error.""" default_message = "Server error" status = 500
def ensure_loc(loc: List[PathItem]) -> List[PathItem]: return [item for item in loc if item != ""] def get_common_error_details( loc: List[PathItem], err: CoreOpenAPIError ) -> ValidationErrorItem: return {"loc": loc, "message": str(err)}
[docs]def get_current_validation_error_loc() -> Loc: """Return current validation error location (path). In most cases you don't need to call this function directly, but it might be useful for logging purposes. """ return VALIDATION_ERROR_LOC.get()
def get_json_schema_validation_error_details( loc: List[PathItem], err: JsonSchemaValidationError ) -> ValidationErrorItem: message = err.message path = list(err.absolute_path) matched = required_message_re.match(message) if matched: return { "loc": ensure_loc( loc + path + [matched.groupdict()["field_name"]] ), "message": ERROR_FIELD_REQUIRED, } return { "loc": ensure_loc(loc + path), "message": err.message, } def get_media_type_error_details( loc: List[PathItem], err: OpenAPIMediaTypeError ) -> ValidationErrorItem: if isinstance(err, InvalidContentType): return { "loc": loc, "message": ( f"Schema missing for following mimetype: {err.mimetype}" ), } return get_common_error_details(loc, err) def get_parameter_error_details( loc: List[PathItem], err: OpenAPIParameterError, ) -> ValidationErrorItem: parameter_name: Union[str, None] = getattr(err, "name", None) if parameter_name is None: return get_common_error_details(loc, err) message = { DeserializeError: ERROR_PARAMETER_INVALID, EmptyParameterValue: ERROR_PARAMETER_EMPTY, MissingParameter: ERROR_PARAMETER_MISSING, MissingRequiredParameter: ERROR_PARAMETER_REQUIRED, }[type(err)] return {"loc": [*loc, parameter_name], "message": message} def get_unmarshal_error_details( loc: List[PathItem], err: UnmarshalError ) -> List[ValidationErrorItem]: if isinstance(err, InvalidSchemaValue): return [ get_json_schema_validation_error_details(loc, item) for item in err.schema_errors ] return [get_common_error_details(loc, err)] def is_only_security_error(errors: List[CoreOpenAPIError]) -> bool: return len(errors) == 1 and isinstance(errors[0], InvalidSecurity)
[docs]@contextmanager def validation_error_context(*path: PathItem) -> Iterator[Loc]: """Context manager to specify the proper path for validation error item. Main purpose to setup validation error path for external validators. For example, when you need to have reusable validator for phone number, you can organize your code as follows, 1. Create ``validate_phone`` function, which will check whether string is a valid phone number. If not raise a :class:`rororo.openapi.ValidationError` with specific message. 2. Reuse ``validate_phone`` function anywhere in your code by wrapping call into ``validation_error_context`` context manager First level errors, .. code-block:: python @operations.register async def create_user(request: web.Request) -> web.Response: data = get_validated_data(request) with validation_error_context("body", "phone"): phone = validate_phone(data["phone"]) ... Secon level errors, .. code-block:: python @operations.register async def create_order(request: web.Request) -> web.Response: with validation_error_context("body"): order = validate_order(get_validated_data(request)) ... def validate_order(data: MappingStrAny) -> Order: with validation_error_context("user", "phone"): user_phone = validate_phone(data["user"]["phone"]) ... """ current_loc = get_current_validation_error_loc() next_loc = (*current_loc, *path) token = VALIDATION_ERROR_LOC.set(next_loc) try: yield next_loc finally: VALIDATION_ERROR_LOC.reset(token)