Source code for rororo.logger


Logging utilities to simplify setting up Python logging.


import logging
import sys
from typing import Any, Union

from rororo.annotations import DictStrAny

[docs]class IgnoreErrorsFilter: """Ignore all warnings and errors from stdout handler."""
[docs] def filter(self, record: logging.LogRecord) -> bool: # noqa: A003 """Allow only debug and info log messages to stdout handler.""" return record.levelname in {"DEBUG", "INFO"}
[docs]def default_logging_dict(*loggers: str, **kwargs: Any) -> DictStrAny: r"""Prepare logging dict for :func:`logging.config.dictConfig`. *rororo* minds to simplify and unify logging configuration for ``aiohttp.web`` applications and cause of that the resulted logging config will: - Only messages from ``loggers`` will be processed - Pass all ``DEBUG`` & ``INFO`` logging messages to ``stdout`` - Pass all other messages to ``stderr`` - Any logging message will be formatted as: ``"%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s:%(name)s] %(message)s"`` For example, to enable logging for ``aiohttp`` & ``api`` loggers, .. code-block:: python from logging.config import dictConfig dictConfig(default_logging_dict("aiohttp", "api")) :param \*loggers: Enable logging for each logger in sequence. :param \*\*kwargs: Setup additional logger params via keyword arguments. """ kwargs.setdefault("level", "INFO") return { "version": 1, "disable_existing_loggers": True, "filters": {"ignore_errors": {"()": IgnoreErrorsFilter}}, "formatters": { "default": { "format": "%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s:%(name)s] %(message)s" }, "naked": {"format": "%(message)s"}, }, "handlers": { "stdout": { "class": "logging.StreamHandler", "filters": ["ignore_errors"], "formatter": "default", "level": "DEBUG", "stream": sys.stdout, }, "stderr": { "class": "logging.StreamHandler", "formatter": "default", "level": "WARNING", "stream": sys.stderr, }, }, "loggers": { logger: dict(handlers=["stdout", "stderr"], **kwargs) for logger in loggers }, }
[docs]def update_sentry_logging( logging_dict: DictStrAny, sentry_dsn: Union[str, None], *loggers: str, level: Union[str, int, None] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: r"""Enable Sentry logging if Sentry DSN passed. .. deprecated:: 2.0 Deprecated in favor of `sentry-sdk <>`_ and will be removed in **4.0**. .. note:: Sentry logging requires `raven <>`_ library to be installed. **Usage** .. code-block:: python from logging.config import dictConfig LOGGING = default_logging_dict() SENTRY_DSN = "..." update_sentry_logging(LOGGING, SENTRY_DSN) dictConfig(LOGGING) **Using AioHttpTransport for SentryHandler** This will allow to use ``aiohttp.client`` for pushing data to Sentry in your ``aiohttp.web`` app, which means elimination of sync calls to Sentry. .. code-block:: python from raven_aiohttp import AioHttpTransport update_sentry_logging( LOGGING, SENTRY_DSN, transport=AioHttpTransport ) :param logging_dict: Logging dict. :param sentry_dsn: Sentry DSN value. If ``None`` do not update logging dict at all. :param \*loggers: Use Sentry logging for each logger in the sequence. If the sequence is empty use Sentry logging to each available logger. :param \*\*kwargs: Additional kwargs to be passed to ``SentryHandler``. """ # No Sentry DSN, nothing to do if not sentry_dsn: return # Add Sentry handler kwargs["class"] = "raven.handlers.logging.SentryHandler" kwargs["dsn"] = sentry_dsn logging_dict["handlers"]["sentry"] = dict( level=level or "WARNING", **kwargs ) loggers = tuple(logging_dict["loggers"]) if not loggers else loggers for logger in loggers: # Ignore missing loggers logger_dict = logging_dict["loggers"].get(logger) if not logger_dict: continue # Ignore logger from logger config if logger_dict.pop("ignore_sentry", False): continue # Handlers list should exist handlers = list(logger_dict.setdefault("handlers", [])) handlers.append("sentry") logger_dict["handlers"] = tuple(handlers)