Source code for rororo.aio


Various utilities for `aiohttp <>`_ and other
`aio-libs <>`_.


from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import Iterator, Union
from urllib.parse import urlparse

from aiohttp import web

from rororo.annotations import DictStrAny, Handler, Protocol

__all__ = ("add_resource_context", "is_xhr_request", "parse_aioredis_url")

#: Default access log format to use within aiohttp applications
ACCESS_LOG_FORMAT = '%a "%r" %s %b "%{Referer}i" "%{User-Agent}i" %Tf'

class AddResourceFunc(Protocol):
    def __call__(
        url: str,
        get: Union[Handler, None] = None,
        name: Union[str, None] = None,
        **kwargs: Handler,
    ) -> web.Resource:

[docs]@contextmanager def add_resource_context( router: web.UrlDispatcher, url_prefix: Union[str, None] = None, name_prefix: Union[str, None] = None, ) -> Iterator[AddResourceFunc]: """Context manager for adding resources for given router. Main goal of context manager to easify process of adding resources with routes to the router. This also allow to reduce amount of repeats, when supplying new resources by reusing URL & name prefixes for all routes inside context manager. Behind the scene, context manager returns a function which calls:: resource = router.add_resource(url, name) resource.add_route(method, handler) For example to add index view handler and view handlers to list and create news:: with add_resource_context(app.router, "/api", "api") as add_resource: add_resource("/", get=views.index) add_resource("/news", get=views.list_news, post=views.create_news) :param router: Route to add resources to. :param url_prefix: If supplied prepend this prefix to each resource URL. :param name_prefix: If supplied prepend this prefix to each resource name. """ def add_resource( url: str, get: Union[Handler, None] = None, *, name: Union[str, None] = None, **kwargs: Handler, ) -> web.Resource: """Inner function to create resource and add necessary routes to it. Support adding routes of all methods, supported by aiohttp, as GET/POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE/HEAD/OPTIONS/*, e.g., :: with add_resource_context(app.router) as add_resource: add_resource('/', get=views.get, add_resource('/wildcard', **{'*': views.wildcard}) :param url: Resource URL. If ``url_prefix`` setup in context it will be prepended to URL with ``/``. :param get: GET handler. Only handler to be setup without explicit call. :param name: Resource name. """ if get: kwargs["get"] = get if url_prefix: url = "/".join((url_prefix.rstrip("/"), url.lstrip("/"))) if not name and get: name = get.__name__ if name_prefix and name: name = ".".join((name_prefix.rstrip("."), name.lstrip("."))) resource = router.add_resource(url, name=name) for method, handler in kwargs.items(): if handler is None: continue resource.add_route(method.upper(), handler) return resource yield add_resource
[docs]def is_xhr_request(request: web.Request) -> bool: """Check whether current request is XHR one or not. Basically it just checks that request contains ``X-Requested-With`` header and that the header equals to ``XMLHttpRequest``. :param request: Request instance. """ value: Union[str, None] = request.headers.get("X-Requested-With") return value == "XMLHttpRequest"
[docs]def parse_aioredis_url(url: str) -> DictStrAny: """ Convert Redis URL string to dict suitable to pass to ``aioredis.create_redis(...)`` call. :: async def connect_redis(url=None): url = url or "redis://localhost:6379/0" return await create_redis(**parse_aioredis_url(url)) .. deprecated:: 3.0.2 As *aioredis* library `deprecated in favor of redis library <>`_, which supports instantiating client instance from URL string - this function will be removed in **4.0**. :param url: URL to access Redis instance, started with ``redis://``. """ parts = urlparse(url) db: Union[str, int, None] = parts.path[1:] or None if db: db = int(db) return { "address": (parts.hostname, parts.port or 6379), "db": db, "password": parts.password, }